- 进入志愿者登录页面.
- 输入您的电子邮件地址和密码.
- Click “Edit or Renew 志愿者 Application” on the left.
- Your volunteer application will appear in stages as you check the required boxes.
- 如果你 haven’t logged into the portal before, 您可能需要先查看“志愿者职责”和“附加要求”,并勾选每个方框.
- The next section is dedicated to your background check. You will need to check “I agree” to proceed.
- 一旦你做到了, 你就可以上传你的身份证了, determine your required background check level, and disclose any new convictions or pending criminal cases.
- 继续滚动应用程序页面以更新任何其他过期信息, 例如, the school you would like to volunteer with, 你的紧急联系人, 等.
- 你必须滚动到页面的最底部,点击“保存”,你的更新才能通过.
- 回顾志愿者职责 & 额外的需求. 如果你 agree to follow SPS volunteer program participation requirements, check the first two boxes on the application to proceed. The remainder of your volunteer application will not show otherwise.
- 输入您最初注册时最可能使用的电子邮件地址并创建密码.
- If a notification appears that a user with that email address already exists, 请访问我们的归国志愿者页面.
- 如果没有出现通知, you do not have an application on file under the email address you entered. Please follow the instructions for new volunteers.
- 输入您的电子邮件地址和密码.
- The welcome page will show if you are registered as a School, Self-help, or Self-Help Event volunteer. 下面的例子是一名在探路者K-8注册为学校志愿者的志愿者.
- “注册” 意思是我们有一份志愿者申请,但这并不意味着你被批准成为志愿者. 只有 school(s) shown on your dashboard can access your application.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page until you arrive at a gray box.
- 如果你是“合格的”.“
“合格”并不意味着“批准”,而是你的背景调查符合SPS志愿者资格标准. 只有 学校志愿者项目联络员 你在申请表上所输入的资料及附有相片的身份证明文件,可否经核实后批准你的申请.
- 如果你是“B类”.”
You are approved to volunteer with SPS as a Category B volunteer. B类志愿者是学校和远程志愿者角色,涉及与学生进行无人监督的接触. In addition to a national background check, Category B volunteer screening includes an interview and reference checks. 例子:数学俱乐部教练, breakout room facilitator (in a virtual classroom), one-on-one tutor (including remote/virtual), 导师.
如果您要求进行B类背景调查(国家级别),以陪同超过三天的实地考察, 您的状态将显示为“合格”,” but the school will have a record of you completing 英镑的志愿者. Only unsupervised tutors and 导师s receive the “Category B” designation.
- 如果你是“待定”.”
选项1: 如果你 recently completed your volunteer application for the first time, “待定”表示尚未由学校志愿者项目联络处处理.
选项2: 如果你 were previously approved to volunteer with SPS, “Pending” indicates that your application or expired. 请登录志愿者门户,点击“编辑或更新志愿者申请”,填写任何遗漏的答案和/或更新您的背景调查.
- 如果你 “需要斯特林背景调查.”
英镑的志愿者 is our trusted vendor for out-of-state background checks. 你应该已经收到了一封自动的电子邮件,直接从他们那里收到购买背景调查的说明. 请检查你的垃圾/垃圾邮件信箱,如果你不能找到它在您的收件箱,或访问我们的 背景调查页面.
You requested a password reset but have not received the automatic email yet.
- Allow 1-2 hours for your password reset email to arrive in your inbox. 电子邮件服务器可以减慢我们的邮件发送速度,以检查病毒或网络钓鱼.
- Check your junk/spam/bulk/updates folder for an email from “system@ecemail.撒玛利亚人.com”
- If this fails, your email server may be blocking our emails. 添加“system@ecemail.撒玛利亚人.Com”到您的地址簿和/或安全发件人列表,并再次重置密码.
- 给你的志愿者项目联络人发邮件 找出你上次志愿申请的邮件地址和出生日期.
- 如果这些尝试都失败了,两小时后你仍然找不到你的密码重置邮件, 正规买足球的App with your date of birth, and we will send you a temporary password.
您将收到一条消息, “对不起, but you are not allowed to log in until your activity status has been changed.”
- 您的申请已存档. 我们将过期超过两年的申请以及志愿者选择退出该项目的申请存档. 偶尔, volunteers opt out of the program accidentally, and this causes their application to be archived unintentionally.
- Please do not create a new volunteer application! Your archived application can be easily recovered.
- 与我们联系, and we will activate your application and send you a temporary password.
每个学校都有一个指定的 志愿者项目联络. Liaisons receive and process volunteer applications. 联络员根据您在申请中输入的信息完成您的审批流程 请参阅步骤4“学校批准”.
- 输入您的电子邮件地址和密码.
- Click “Edit or Renew 志愿者 Application” on the left.
- Your volunteer application will appear in stages as you check the required boxes.
- 如果你 haven’t logged into the portal before, 您可能需要先查看“志愿者职责”和“附加要求”,并勾选每个方框.
- 继续滚动应用页面,直到你到达“成人性行为不端的预防培训验证”部分. 在下面的文本框中输入您的答案.
- 你必须滚动到页面底部,点击“保存”,你的更新才能通过.
- 输入您的电子邮件地址和密码.
- 您的仪表板将显示当前哪所学校可以访问您的志愿者资料:
- Click “Edit or Renew 志愿者 Application” on the left.
- Your volunteer application will appear in stages as you check the required boxes.
- Review “志愿者 Responsibilities” and “额外的需求”, and check each “agree” box if not yet checked.
- The next section is dedicated to your background check. If not yet checked, read the paragraph carefully and check “I agree” to proceed. 如果需要,继续更新背景检查授权部分,直到应用程序的其余部分展开.
- 继续滚动申请页面,直到你到达“隶属于正规买足球的App”.
- 找到所有SPS学校的列表,并勾选或取消勾选你想做志愿者的地点.
- 重要的! Scroll to the bottom of the page to click the blue “Save” button.
- Click “Edit or Renew 志愿者 Application” on the left.
- Go to the “Determining Your Background Check” section and select option “B. I was recruited to serve as a Category B volunteer.”
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and save the application.
- 我们的国家背景调查供应商斯特林志愿者的电子邮件将很快到达您的收件箱-如果您找不到它,请检查您的“垃圾/垃圾/批量”文件夹.
- 遵循所包含的说明. 斯特林志愿者会在你的背景调查完成后通知你(通常是1-2天).
以下是志愿者联络员报告的志愿者申请中最常遗漏的项目. 登录志愿者门户网站,使用以下清单确保您的申请已完成并准备好处理:
- 当前背景调查结果:滚动到这个页面的底部,看看你的国家背景调查是最新的. “合格”意味着你目前的背景调查在绿色字母显示的日期之前是有效的. Please note that you cannot renew your background check until after it expires.
- 全国背景调查结果 (仅在某些情况下需要). 如果你需要这种级别的权限, you should have received an email from our trusted vendor, 英镑的志愿者. 如果你还没有购买这个21美元的背景调查,你的申请就会被搁置.
- 你上传带照片的身份证了吗? 如果你的背景调查需要人工审查或出现错误,这可以加快你的审批速度.
- Did you complete the Adult Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training verification? Your application must include a complete answer in the provided text field.
- 您是否在“别名”部分输入了姓和名(如果您使用/使用了其他名称)?? 只填写四个可用字段中的一个或三个会阻止您的背景调查自动运行(导致“错误”状态)。.
- 你是否更新并披露了所有过去的犯罪记录,包括七年以上的犯罪记录? 请分享酒驾,轻罪,过去的定罪,以及未决的指控,以避免延误或拒绝.